Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Another random thoughts

Bingung. Galau. Restless. Fucked up.Call it anything with bad words and I still don't know how to define this feeling. I've been practically doing nothing (okay, it's got to be something) with my thesis, my job, my social-life, hell even my love life. Nothing. Zero. Nada. Uh-oh.
My best-friends seem to have found their new places to be explored, and here I am still struggling with my own shits. Well, yeah, shits like a life I m living now. It's not that I m complaining with the life, no, I m complaining to myself that I could not move my-sorry-ass to get on with something instead of wondering with many "what if"s.... call me a loser, and yeah that's what I am,, A LOSER. Capital LOSER for my own life.


meiby bella said...

man,, dont!! please.

Unknown said...

what i m supposed to say then? :s